Sunday, May 3, 2009


Who knew that one day I would be in Vegas of all places sharing about this Jesus who changes lives.If you had told me this several years ago I would have laughed my head off.Of course i do remember as a freshman, day dreaming about being a Hollywood celebrity,but this was just a way to escape the questions that I was facing regarding my future and the purpose of life.

Today I would not trade what I am doing for anything.God has been good to me.To see Him at work in the things we do,to witness Him change lives and be invited to be a part of this process is to me more than an honor.And so, because of His goodness I am deliberately committing this week to be my week of thanksgiving.So I will share with you this week some of the things I am thankful for.

As for me and my household we will serve you, Lord.

SP Onaba